
A showcase of projects that I accomplished during my school year.

  • PHP Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap

FORUM is a web-based application where members can participate in online discussions and share their interests or ideas, similar to Reddit.

It provides subforums for everyone to connect and build communities around any specific topic in a user-driven environment.

Key features include user authentication with moderation tools, streamlined subforums creation, search and a full voting system.

  • Jekyll
  • YAML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

I'm a Street Fighter fan and I built SFLIST as a side project. It lists all Street Fighter moves for the entries I played the most in a mobile-friendly format.

It is a static website generated with Jekyll and YAML data files. CSS and JavaScript are used to dynamically convert text strings to more appealing arcade stick inputs.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

X-Count is a simple, original game that I created as part of our very first course on user interfaces.

The goal is to visually guess the percentage of X characters displayed in the grid, as fast as you can.

  • CSS
  • JavaScript

insitu.js is a script that I wrote to display artwork as if there were photographs of it hanged on a wall.

I used to do that on Photoshop with my digital illustrations before posting them on social media. Now it's automated. It simulates shadows, perspective and more by dynamically adding randomized CSS to an image element and its wrapper. It is triggered on click from a button or gallery thumbnails, as shown in the live demo.

  • Java Spring Boot
  • MySQL

Tracker is a generic app that keeps record of whatever you need by using the RESTful API that we learned from our web services course.

It first started as a todo list, then as a video games completion history tool, then as a gym routine scheduler.

The backend is flexible and works the same either way.

More to come soon.